Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Today, I woke up with the stomach cramps. Well, you can't really say "woke up" when you haven't really gone to sleep. Yes, I was awake the whole night doing what, I will never know...

Why do we like staying awake and 'networking' about? I, for one, will never truly understand. What is so exciting about a night with a coffee/tea mug, your laptop and you tucked in a comfy blanket that sounds so...irresistible and beckoning? I think I know. It's simply a time we can be to ourselves - with other strangers online, of course. Ha.

We like feeling special. So, when we hear it from people we don't know online, we know it's true. It makes us happy to connect with others in any way possible. We find out that we are not alone as weirdos in a big crowd...there are plenty of others *wink*wink* :P

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